Welcome to Unity Spiritual Center Pflugerville, a Church of Positive Prayer!
Vision Statement
Centered in God, we celebrate a world of love, harmony and abundance.
Mission Statement
We are a vibrant spiritual community, empowering personal transformation and modeling the Christ consciousness.
Core Values
Integrity, Joy, Living Love, Spirit-Led, Thriving
Welcome to our Unity Church serving the Pflugerville, Round Rock, Hutto and Austin areas! We provide a positive path for spiritual living and offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful lives. We are spiritual rather than religious and we are love based. We honor the many paths to God, the many ways to God and the many names for God, because we know there is one God and that God loves us all equally. So, whoever you are and wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome here.
Our services consist of singing, prayer, meditation and a life lesson from our speaker. We offer positive, practical spirituality to improve your life, and we encourage every person to find his/her own connection with God and the Christ spirit. We do not stress church membership or pressure anyone to join the church or to believe any particular doctrine. Through Sunday talks and classes, we are given the opportunity to learn and grow together. Unity Center congregants are active in the community, valuing the ability to be of service to those in need. We are an inclusive community and welcome people of all faiths, color, or sexual orientation – come check us out!
Unity transcends religious denominations as a harmonizing, strengthening influence. Whether you have a church home, have never joined a church, or already practice Unity principles, Unity welcomes you as a kindred spirit who is learning to apply spiritual principles in pursuit of a happier, healthier, and more prosperous life. Unity embraces all people. We believe there is truth in all teachings. Unity leaves all people free to find the truth for themselves.
Unity offers a practical, non-dogmatic approach to Christianity that helps people of all faiths lead happier, healthier, and more prosperous lives. Unity emphasizes that God is good and that God's will for humankind is good. As children of God, we are heirs to all that God is and all that God provides. Unity teaches that God is present in every person, and through prayer and meditation, we can experience God's presence in our lives and circumstances.