This exhortation from Paul in Romans 12:2 starts us off into the third step of our spiritual journey that is taking us back to the Father’s House. There is also a famous Chinese proverb that says, there are many paths to the mountain top and the view when you get there is always the same. This leads us to an interesting question that might create some roadblocks for some folks. How do I renew my mind, what does that mean for me, and what is the best path to the mountain top for me?
We agree that the mountain top metaphor is appropriate for our search for Truth, and it is true that there are many paths to that sublime state of peace, harmony, and love. However, which path do I feel comfortable following, which path can I commit to, and which path will get me to that Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus told me is already within me. Another consideration for me might be, am I ready to do the work to reap the rewards that are promised.
There are many systems that could return each of us to the Garden of Eden consciousness that have been practiced over the years. Each of these systems has stories, examples and teachings of people that have reached the mountain top of enlightenment. We will look at some of these systems to help us understand the basic truths that show up in all the systems.
However, the major system we follow is the path outlined by Jesus the Christ in the Christian New Testament, and the follow up teachings of the Apostle Paul, who spread the ideas of the Truth of our divine consciousness to the world. This is the path of prayer and meditation. Developing an awareness of who we really are as discussed in our first step. A conviction that the world we are currently living in is the outcome of the corrupted coding of the human ego, as discussed in the second step. And then, an understanding that we can return to the Kingdom of Heaven within by using the techniques shared with us by Jesus, the master teacher, to renew the coding in our minds.
Basically, this is an understanding that you are a child of God, have a divine right to be here, and have a right to be whole and complete. You are loved and appreciated just as you are. You are here to fulfill a purpose; you are given the resources and tools to complete that purpose. You are here to create relationships that foster the overall conditions of peace, love, and harmony.
Are we willing to follow the path, stay on the path, and be love, to complete the purpose that we came to share? Are we willing to submit to the program of “renewing our minds” to reach the state of awareness of our own Kingdom within? That is our topic for this third step on our path.
Join with us at our Sunday Service as we begin exploring these ideas. You can join us in person, on Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube.
I love you,
Rev. Robert