Awakening to Our Innate Spiritual Power

Life is filled with challenges—unexpected obstacles, external pressures, and the constant pull of worldly concerns. Yet, beneath all of this, we each possess an innate spiritual power that allows us to live harmoniously, overcome difficulties, and thrive in the face of life’s uncertainties. This power is not something we must earn or develop—it is part of our divine nature. It is the Christ Self within is within us.  Jesus taught, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21), reminding us that we are not separate from God’s divine presence. Our ability to navigate life with peace, love, and wisdom does not come from external circumstances but from the Spirit within. This truth is also echoed in Unity teachings, which affirm that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, inherently connected to God’s divine intelligence and love.

In A Course of Love, we are reminded that our essence is love, not fear, and that our true nature is always available to us when we choose to live from the heart instead of the mind’s learned fears and limitations. The course teaches that our struggle comes when we forget this truth and rely solely on worldly logic rather than inner divine knowing. When we shift our awareness to our inner Christ nature, we align with divine wisdom, which allows us to respond to life with grace rather than resistance.

Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore affirmed this in his teaching on the Twelve Powers, which are spiritual attributes inherent in every person—faith, strength, wisdom, love, power, imagination, understanding, will, order, zeal, release, life, and joy. These are not qualities we must acquire but abilities that we awaken through spiritual practice and conscious living. When we affirm, embody and contemplate these powers, we activate our divine potential and live with greater ease and clarity.

Every day, we are bombarded with messages that reinforce fear, lack, and division. It is easy to become caught up in the noise of the world and forget our divine essence. Jesus provided the ultimate guidance for overcoming worldly distractions when He said, “In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I (the I AM) has overcome the world” (John 16:33). His message assures us that despite external circumstances, we have the power to rise above and live from a place of peace and trust in God.

How do we do this? Through spiritual discipline—prayer, meditation, and the practice of mindfulness. In quieting our minds and centering ourselves in the presence of God, we access the deeper knowing that we are already whole, capable, and loved.

To thrive means more than just surviving hardships; it means living with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. When we recognize our spiritual power, we see that life is not happening to us but through us. We become co-creators with God, shaping our reality through our thoughts, words, and actions.

By embracing our innate abilities, we cultivate an inner peace that no external force can shake. We make decisions from wisdom rather than fear, extend love instead of judgment, and trust that divine order is always at work. As we align with this truth, our lives naturally become more harmonious, abundant, and filled with the joy of spiritual knowing. Our spiritual community is gathered to find and experience that Innate Power within. Join us as we follow the path to spiritual understanding.

I Love You

Rev. Robert