Everyone Has a Soul Song

Isaiah, a prophet of the Old Testament, says in Isaiah 65:17, “I create a new heaven and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered nor come into mind.”  In the next verse he is quoted as saying, “I create Jerusalem a rejoicing.”

Many of the newer spiritual ideas that are coming through consciousness such as A Course of Miracles and a Course of Love speak about leaving behind the learning that we have acquired from our physical experience of life and open up to the new information that is coming from our inner knowing or spiritual self. The new process inspires us to act with faith and trust on this new information and live our new life of surrender to our Christ Self within.

Each of us is here, during this time in history, to fulfill our part in the creation of this new Heaven and Earth. (or New Jerusalem) Our part of this new spiritual consciousness is to share our story or song to our community through relationship and dialogue.

Everyone is an apostle of the truth and has an important message to share. Some are shy, some are practiced orators, some do not feel like they have a story to tell. The absolute truth is, you are here to make a difference and have a unique gift waiting to be shared with your fellow travelers on the path.

This is a new song, a new gift that is opening in its own new way. Your story is in your heart waiting to be shared. It is there biding its time to blossom. The old is gone. It is time to step out and share.
I Love you...

Rev. Robert