Last week we said our "see you laters" to Reverend Robert and Madelyn as they transition to their new adventures upon Reverend Robert's retirement.
Below is a note from Teri to kick off what becomes OUR new adventure as our board and leadership group take the helm...
I've been a member of Unity since 1969 and a member of Unity Center of Positive Prayer/Unity Spiritual Center of Pflugerville since 1988. I've been a Unity Sunday School teacher and director. I've served on the board of our church off and on for all these years for ministers: Mary Katherine McDougal, Art Revell, Roger Smith, Aliza Bloom, Jill Carey, and Robert Test. My mother became a Unity Minister and started the Unity Church of Kerrville, and my father was a Licensed Unity Teacher.
We are experiencing a major shift in our church, but it's not a new experience for this congregation. Just as in daily life, changes/transitions come to us in a variety of ways. Some experiences are exciting and welcome - a graduation, a wedding, a birth; but some are much more challenging. We may find ourselves feeling lost when faced with a transition we really didn't feel we were ready to experience. But truly, those are the times when our Unity faith brings us so much peace and brings us together with renewed strength and unexpected miracles. We walk together through these experiences just as we'll walk together through our future Sundays, knowing that God is with us always. Where two or more are gathered, not only is God present as always in ourselves and each other, but love, peace, and strength are also present.
So, dear ones, as we all come together to see what our new church family looks and feels like, know that this transition is a miracle in the making; a chance for each of us to be teachers of the Truth, to be lights of the World, and to be the family we have always been.
In love and light,
Teri Lucas