We are One Spiritual Family with One Spiritual Father

This Sunday, as we celebrate Father's Day, we are reminded of the profound role fathers play in our lives and in the broader spiritual journey we all share. Fatherhood is a divine calling, one that echoes the eternal love, guidance, and protection that our spiritual Father provides for each of us. This day is not only a time to honor our human fathers but also to reflect on the unity and oneness that define our spiritual path.

In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul writes, "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all" (Ephesians 4:4-6). This scripture beautifully encapsulates the essence of unity and oneness in our faith. It reminds us that as we honor our fathers, we are also celebrating the unity of our spiritual family under one Heavenly Father.

Fatherhood is a sacred trust, a reflection of God's nurturing and steadfast love. Our human fathers, through their dedication and sacrifices, mirror the divine care that our Lord bestows upon us. They guide us, protect us, and provide for us, embodying the virtues of patience, strength, and wisdom. On this special day, let us express our gratitude for the fathers who have shaped our lives and our faith, recognizing the profound impact they have on our spiritual journey.

As we honor our fathers, let us also remember that there are those who may feel a sense of loss or longing on this day. For some, Father's Day can be a reminder of absent fathers or strained relationships. It is essential that we, as a spiritual family, extend our compassion and support to those who may be struggling. Let us hold to the principle of oneness that is so beautifully shared by the apostle Paul in the opening scripture, we are one in body, mind and spirit and one in our divine presence. We are one family on a spiritual path back to the Father’s house.

On this Father's Day, let us renew our commitment to the values that unite us as a spiritual community. Let us build a community where every father, mother, child, and member feels valued, supported, and loved. By doing so, we honor not only our fathers but also our spiritual Father, who calls us to live in harmony and unity.

 Father's Day is a time to celebrate the fathers in our lives and the unity of our spiritual family. It is an opportunity to reflect on the divine love that binds us together and to express our gratitude for the fathers who walk this path with us. May we continue to support and uplift one another, living out the principles of our faith in unity and oneness.
I Love you...

Rev. Robert