We are honored and pleased to have Valerie Cary, one of our Prayer Chaplains, bringing the message this Sunday to our congregation as Rev. Robert will be at sea on a wonderful weeks' vacation. He sends his love, knowing you are all in very good and gracious hands. Thank you Valerie for the following message to us all...
As we move into 2023, it’s a perfect time to explore what gives meaning and purpose to our lives. Why are we here? What is essential to our being in this place at this time? How do we grow in wisdom and stature, as Jesus did when he was here on Earth? Each of us carries within us both the divine nature of God and also particular strengths and qualities we carry from our human families. As John Babb writes in his Forward for Gary Simmons’ book The I of the Storm, “If one has a clear sense of purpose and direction for his or her life, that life must still be lived and enacted within the dynamics of the human condition – with all its attendant pressures, contradictions and conflicts.”
On Sunday, we’ll explore some of the teachings from Gary’s book to help us to remember the truth of who we are and what our mission on Earth is. Gary provides practical strategies on how to avoid life’s hazards and how to align ourselves with our divine purpose and mission.
Gary teaches that no one and no thing is against us – the entire universe is here to support us. We know that there is only One presence and One power in the Universe, and that presence is God, Good. That presence and power is at work in our lives, and this presence and power lives in us as the Spirt of God. It is time that we claim our divine inheritance as a beloved creation of God.
Join us as we explore ways of creating harmony in our lives and living from wholeness. Learn about embracing conflict and creating peace to live in a world of love, harmony and abundance.
In Love and Peace,
Valerie Cary
Unity Spiritual Center Prayer Chaplain