Our Dialogue this Week is on Zeal: The Power to be enthusiastic and passionate; inspire; motivate; excite.
As we continue our conversation in our Sunday Service on the Twelve Powers of humanity, we reach the power of Zeal. The power to be enthusiastic and passionate, as well as to inspire and motivate oneself and others. The color for this power is orange, the disciple is Simon the Zealot, and the location is the Medulla Oblongata, the brain stem at the back of the neck.
Our dialogue leader this week is Valerie Cary. She is our Prayer Chaplain Facilitator and a past Board President. Valerie is an enrolled candidate for her Licensed Unity Teacher designation. Valerie is a leader in numerous ways and is a long-term member of our spiritual community.
Charles Fillmore first introduced “The Twelve Powers of Man” at the Unity Auditorium in 1912 in Kansas City, MO. It has been continuously in print since that time. We are reviewing these powers one at a time understanding that these are the innate powers that support us as we become the spiritual beings that we are and leave behind the natural self of the material world.
Come join in our discussion. Ask questions, share opinions and be with us in love as we explore the promises and possibilities of the spiritual path.
I Love you...
Rev. Robert