During the pandemic, Valerie Cary, our Prayer Chaplain and LUT candidate and myself began a discussion about the beautiful words in the Prayer of Protection by James Dillet Freeman that we have been reciting at the end of our Sunday Service for years. We had to admit to ourselves that no matter how wonderful the words were, they alluded to a benevolent light, presence and love that was outside of us and was being invoked to help us in the outworking of our daily lives.
In a collaboration that occurred over 4 or 5 weeks, we kept using words and phrases that empowered us to become aware of the Light, Power, Presence and Love that was within us that we already had access to help us in that benevolent out working of life. After several iterations, we were inspired to start using our new statement of faith in addition to the Prayer of Protection at the end of our Sunday service. These thoughts came to us in part after reading Divine Audacity by Linda Martella-Whitsett and discussions and other readings on Oneness.
The title, The Prayer of Alignment, was created by Valerie because it signifies that we are aligning and becoming aware of who we really are. We are the Christ Self, we are the expression of love, we are the expression of Presence and Power, and we are the Light of the world. Everything we have been looking for is already within us and our job is to wake up to and express the divinity that we are.
For over a year now, we have used the Prayer of Alignment in our Sunday Service for over a year. Our community recites the Prayer of Protection followed by the Prayer of Alignment at the end of the service and is embracing the consciousness that it brings. Our spiritual community has been blessed with an increase in membership and stability coming out of the pandemic lock down. The Father within doeth the work.
Respectfully, we share.
The Prayer of Alignment
I am/we are Light, we illuminate the world
I am/we are Love, we love unconditionally
I am/we are Power, we are the Divine in action
I am/we are Presence, we are awake to our Divine identity
God is, I am, we are, and all is well
(Valerie Cary and Rev. Robert)
I Love you...
Rev. Robert