Yin and Yang, a Concept in Taoism

Our message for this Sunday, January 15 will be brought by our Board President, Randy Koehler.  Randy is a long-time new thought student, active healer, and wonderful sage who has a broad knowledge of the esoteric.
Randy’s messages seem to always look at the balance in life.  He gives us insight within ourselves to have life work better for us.  Randy’s caring for people radiates from him.  We very much enjoy being with him and hearing what he has to say.

Yin and Yang, a Concept in Taoism

Yin and Yang is a Chinese philosophical concept that describes opposite but interconnected forces.  In Chinese cosmology, the universe creates itself out of a primary chaos of material energy organized into cycle of Yin and Yang and formed into object and lives.

We all experience these cycles.  We cannot avoid it.

We are made-up from it, we live in it, but are born above it.

The Yin and Yang concept can be found on almost every page of every kind of Bible.

If we try to understand the concept, we try to better understand ourselves and our world.

Be with us this Sunday as we go into more depth and detail.  I look forward to being with you.

Hugs, love and blessings,
Board President