We need to understand some definitions of the word, light. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines light as Electromagnetic energy of any wavelength that travels at 186,000 miles per hour, that is visible to the human eye.
In some of the writings from current spiritual teachers and writers, the word luminous is used to signify or define someone who has reached the understanding and knowing that they are the Christ Self. Luminous, or luminosity is defined as emitting light, especially in the dark and radiating or reflecting light and glowing.
The famous quote, in our title, from Jesus the Christ in Matthew 5:14 leads us to the more up to date conversation of luminosity or becoming a luminous being. In John 8:12 Jesus again says, He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but he shall find for himself the light of life.” Another way of understanding what Jesus was saying here is: The person that follows my teachings and lives the life of the spiritual path shall not experience suffering and struggle but shall become imbued with the energies of the Christ Self as I have and radiate and experience the energies of love peace and harmony.
When Jesus spoke to the folks gathered for the sermon on the mount, there was no understanding of modern-day science and even spiritual awareness that we enjoy today. His simple explanation of who we each are points to the Light that is within each of us as a child of God. Everything we seek is already there for us in the Kingdom Of Heaven Within. It is up to us to become the luminous beings that we are (potentially). This is the root of the current conversations about luminosity. We become radiant with spiritual energy as we travel the path back to our Christ Self. (This is the Aura radiance that some folks see around sentient beings.)
In the world we live in, we experience darkness because we have been programmed and trained by the ego mind to fear, worry, compete, judge, criticize etc. The Light that we are here to express has been dimmed by the patterns of the world of our experience. We are here to express God and remember who we are. There are no rules for that remembering, no doctrines for waking up to the Christ we are and no hard and fast principles for the journey back to the Father.
Jesus, our role model said, the Father within, He does the work, it’s the Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom, and these things I do you shall do. Pretty simple path for us to follow. The key is following the path and allowing the luminosity of the Christ we are to guide and direct us on the path to awakening to the Christ Self that we are. This is luminosity! We are a spiritual community supporting each other in our quest to return to our Christ selves. We see each other as the Light of Christ and know that is the truth of who we are no matter what appears on the surface. I love you/we/they/us.
I Love you...
Rev. Robert